Parish Web Site
The Ufford Parish Review is now complete and the FINAL REPORT can be reviewed.
In addition, a separate document has been produced detailing all the questions raised during the review, alongside answers. The Question and Answers Report is also available for review.
As you will see below the last full Parish Pan for Ufford was compiled in 2008/2009 and was an enormous success with over 82% of occupied households responding - you can access the full report here
Many issues that were raised have been completed. The area between Parklands and The Avenue has been protected with the purchase by the Parish Council of Parklands Wood. Ufford Parish Council are constantly in touch with SCC Highways and the Safe Neighbourhood Team regarding issues with speeding motorists, road signs and all other highways issues. The Art History Group was established and is thriving.
However, some issues were not resolved. The Youth Council never fully got off the ground and a Youth Club has not been formed. More importantly we are seemingly unable to stop large scale development in the village and continue to receive further applications for housing.
Ufford Parish Council are now considering re-consulting residents with a Parish Review 2017 but what do you think? Do you think a full review is necessary? Is Ufford Parish Council approachable enough that residents feel they can come to us at any time with issues and concerns? Would you like to see Ufford Parish Council hold a full review to show it is listening to residents and gathering full details of the thoughts and concerns of residents?
We would love to hear from you also if you would like to assist with a Parish Review. If it goes ahead we will be engaging with Community Action Suffolk and using their expertise but we also need your help. If you are interested in helping please contact the Parish Clerk at
The history of the 2009 Ufford Parish Plan - "Ufford 2020"
“To serve the village and find out its requirements for the future”
This was the mission statement agreed at the first meeting of the Ufford Parish Plan steering group held on 15 September 2006. It sounds simple doesn't it? In fact, the process will be a major task, but one to which those who contribute may find rewarding and fun.
There are a number of outcomes from the Parish Plan. These are some of the ones that were taken forward in 2009:
Updates on all these are regularly featured in the Ufford Punch and as they progress will also have their own webpage to keep you all updated.
Would you like a copy of the final report?
Due to the file size of the Parish Plan Final Report we are unable to have it as a downloadable document. If you would like an electronic copy sent to you please click here.
The Parish Plan was completed in December and full copies are now being delivered to the various stakeholders. These include the Parish Council, our County Councillor, relevant sections of our local authority; including planning sections and The Local Development Framework Task Force (LDF), rural agencies such as Suffolk Acre our main sponsor, the police force, defra, and principle employers. There are only a few changes from the summary version of the plan which was received by villagers in the July edition of the Ufford Punch.
Villagers will recall that one of the main purposes of the plan was to inform the LDF of their hopes for the future of Ufford. Those who have read the latest edition of Coastline, Suffolk Coastal`s information bulletin, will be aware that initial proposals for the expansion of the village are totally inconsistent with these hopes. The responsibility for implementing the Plan`s proposals fall to the Parish Council. As explained elsewhere in the Punch they will be making strong representations based on the Plan to the appropriate bodies. The Parish Council will also liaise with the other stakeholders where necessary.
During the course of the Plan`s preparation the economic cycle has swung from “boom to bust”. Indeed, one wonders whether there will be any builders left to construct the vast number of houses planned for the region. And if there are, the housebuilders` trade organisation has made it clear that they will be unable to contribute financially towards the cost of social housing. Perhaps a moderation in the pace of the development ambitions born in a period of unsustainable expansion would be welcomed by the village, which attached greater importance to the quality of life.
The Plan has taken over two years to prepare. It has involved over twenty meetings of the Steering Group and much additional work such as analysis, drafting, and communicating with you all. It also covers a wide number of topics other than property development. I would like to thank all members of the Steering Group for their continued support, time and enthusiasm for the project. We are also grateful for the financial backing of Suffok Acre, Defra, County Councillor Clare Aitchison, and the Parish Council. The cost to villagers worked out at about 50p per head.
The views expressed in The Plan are not necessarily those of the Steering Group. They are those of the village: 82% of you took the trouble to answer the 75 questions contained in the questionnaire. These questions evolved from the well attended consultations that preceded it. The Steering Group have done their best to reflect your impressive support.
John Mann
December 2008.