Parish Web Site
Ufford Parish Council is the first tier of government for the parish of Ufford and is committed to working together with the residents of Ufford for the benefit of the parish. It is a statutory body and has wide ranging powers and interests, one of which is to ensure that any development within the parish complies with the current Suffolk Coastal District Council Local Plan and the County Council Structure Plan. It is a focus for action and lobbying on roads, village facilities, the environment and other issues that may arise.
The Parish Council is the Custodian Trustee and manager for the Recreation Ground and also owns Parklands Wood.
The Council has 11 elected councillors and one part-time employee, the Clerk, who carries out the administration and financial duties. Full Council and Planning Meetings are held the third Tuesday of each month, with the exception of August when usually no meeting is held. The Parish Council hold a Budget Meeting in December each year and hosts the Annual Parish Meeting, usually held in May.
Notices of meetings are posted on the notice boards in the village and are open for all village residents to attend.
2019 saw a Parish Council Election, the first in over 20 years. Three new Councillors joined the team and one existing Councillor was unfortunately not elected.
2018 saw the resurfacing of the Community Hall car park and the building of a Boules Terrain and in 2017 A Table Tennis Table was installed.
2015 saw Parish Council elections for the first time in four years. After the elections the Council worked with local residents to try to resolve the highways issues in the village, specifically the junction at the top of The Avenue.
Our main project for 2014 was the renewal of the Play Equipment at the Recreation Ground. This is now open.
In 2009 the Parish Council completed the Parish Plan, the most comprehensive survey carried out in the Parish. The findings not only helped the Parish Council to provide the facilities parishioners needed but also formulated the Council’s responses to consultative documents from District, County and Government, thereby ensuring they fulfilled their role in representing their parishioners. Further direct consultation with the community took place in 2017 in the form of a Parish Review and full details of the results of this exercise can be found under Parish Review.
The Parish Council also facilitated the Heritage Trail Project which provides a footpath map with heritage trail options and which also included the restoration of the Ufford Place Gates, provision of an interpretation board and seating at the Sogenho Chapel (site of).
A proportion of the council tax paid by villagers, raised through the precept, is used to fund the expenditure of the Parish Council (the precept for 2019/20 was at £18,421.00).