Planning Applications

All Planning Applications affecting the village are decided by East Suffolk Council - Planning Department. A list of Planning Applications submitted on land in Ufford can be found on the ESC Web Pages - link here - place the word 'Ufford' in the search box.

Current Ufford Planning Applications out for Consultation

Reference Number Description Link
DC/23/2661/FUL  Replacement garage/garden store - Brook House, High Street, Ufford  DC/23/2661/FUL


Ufford Parish Council have also produced a RESIDENTS GUIDE TO PLANNING APPLICATIONS

Below are details of significant applications in Ufford over recent years

Crown Nursery - 2nd Application

This application was refused by ESC and a subsequent appeal with withdrawn by the applicant

Ufford PC have now received confirmation that the second application at Crown Nursery (for a 60 bed care home, 33 houses and industrial units) will be decided by the SCDC Planning Committee on Thursday 15th March.

Over 180 Ufford residents wrote in to SCDC to object to this application but now the Parish Council needs your support again. Having a large presence of residents at the meeting will demonstrate the strength of feeling of the village. The meeting will take place at East Suffolk House on Riduna Park (opposite Melton Train Station). Attendees will need to be present from around 8.30am and must be prepared to stay all day. There are 8 applications being discussed on this day but a large presence is likely to move the Ufford application to the top of the agenda.

The structure of the meeting is very strict and only 3 parties will be able to speak (for a maximum of 3 minutes each) in objection to the application. Our District Councillor (James Bidwell) and Ufford Parish Council (represented by Cllr Kathryn Jones) are already preparing their speeches but in addition a 3 minute slot is also allocated to a member of the public. If you would like to step up to this role please contact the Parish Council Clerk, Judi Hallett, on 01394 411405 as soon as possible. It would be advantageous to co-ordinate all three speeches to maximise the time allocated.

If you are interested in the application, the Officers Report can be found here (Pages 53 ~ 72).

Former Notcutts Nursery, Yarmouth Road

The Parish Council have been contacted by Athene Communications, on behalf of Hopkins Homes, with a proposal to relocate Woodbridge Town Football Club and St Audry's Sports and Social Club to a new facility on Yarmouth Road, opposite the SCDC Depot. The latest information can be found at No formal planning application has been submitted yet and it is not expected until early in 2018.

If you would like to comment to the Parish Council on this proposal please e-mail the Parish Clerk - Judi Hallett