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Vacancy on Ufford Parish Council

29 October 2021

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Following the resignation, or more appropriately retirement, of Cllr John Skinner, a vacant seat on UPC has arisen. East Suffolk Council have given permission for UPC to co-opt a Councillor and we hope to achieve this at our November meeting.

Would you be interested in joining the Council?

You must be over 18 and a UK Citizen but all the eligibility criteria will be checked by the Clerk for each candidate.

Becoming a Councillor is a commitment but it can also be very rewarding and a great way to put something back in to your community. All interested residents should contact the Parish Council at ufford.pc@hotmail.com, by Tuesday 9th November, giving a brief description of yourself and an indication as to why you feel you would be a good Councillor. If you would prefer to speak to the Council about the role before you commit, please call the Clerk, Judi Hallett on 01394 411405 or 07739 411927 or the Chair, Dr Kathryn Jones on 01394 460784.