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Ufford Parish Council has submitted their Neighbourhood Plan to East Suffolk Council ahead of it being submitted for independent examination. East Suffolk Council is publicising the plan and inviting representations between 20 November and 5pm 15 January 2025. Consultation Notice.
The Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) Screening Statement and Appropriate Assessment on the Draft Ufford Neighbourhood Plan (April 2024) was initially omitted from the list of submission documents provided on the Council's website and consultation portal on 20th November 2024 due to error. This document was added on 21st November 2024, and all consultees were notified via email.
It was not necessary to further extend the consultation as the omittance was for only one day, and the consultation was already set over an extended period of 8 weeks (to accommodate the festive period), when statutory requirements are for 6 weeks.
Representations on the plan can be made online at Alternatively, email or post to East Suffolk Council, Planning Policy and Delivery Team (Neighbourhood Plans), Riverside, 4 Canning Road, Lowestoft, Suffolk NR33 0EQ.
The Ufford Neighbourhood Plan is a planning policy document written by the community to guide future development in the parish until 2036. The Steering Group want to know your views on the draft Plan.
The draft Ufford Neighbourhood Plan is out for pre-submission consultation from 14th March to 3rd May 2024.
Consultation documents:
Other background documents
There will be a drop-in exhibition from 1pm-8pm on Thursday 14th March 2024 at Ufford Community Hall. A physical copy of the Neighbourhood Plan and Design Code can be found at Ufford Community Hall and St Mary’s Church from 14th March until 3rd May.
After this consultation, the Neighbourhood Plan will be revised and submitted to East Suffolk Council for examination and local referendum. If voted for by residents of Ufford, it will become part of the statutory development plan for the area.
The Ufford Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group are progressing work on their Neighbourhood Plan. The Neighbourhood Plan area covers the whole civil parish of Ufford. The purpose of the Plan is to develop local planning policies for Ufford which will be used in the determination of future planning applications.
The Steering Group have been consulting closely with the local community as the draft Neighbourhood Plan evolves.
We have developed a draft vision for the Neighbourhood Plan and this is shown below.
In November of last year we undertook a household survey which asked for the views of local residents on a number of land use issues. The results of that survey are shown elsewhere on this Neighbourhood Plan page of the Parish Council website.
As part of the Neighbourhood Plan it is important for us to consider site specific issues as well as those that affect the whole Neighbourhood Area. This includes the potential to address a deficit for a particular facility that has been identified by the local community.
This is therefore an invitation to all landowners who may have land which may be suitable to accommodate certain identified land uses.
The Household Survey identifies the following uses as key priorities for the Neighbourhood Plan:
However, if you have aspirations for alternative uses then please let us know what they are.
If you have land within the parish of Ufford, which you think might be suitable for the Neighbourhood Plan, please could you provide us with the following details:
It is important that you submit your thoughts and ideas to us now if you wish them to be considered for inclusion in the Neighbourhood Plan.
Full details of our progress on the Neighbourhood Plan to date are shown on this webpage.
We require all information to be in writing, including all information requested. These can be emailed to: or a paper copy sent to the Parish Clerk - please contact 01394 411405 or 07739 411927 (between 8.30am and 5.30pm Mon - Fri only) for details .
The deadline is 5pm on Monday 13th November 2023
The Ufford Neighbourhood Plan provides an opportunity for you to have your say on planning issues. Our HOUSEHOLD SURVEY was conducted throughout November 2022. Analysis of the responses has been undertaken in December and the results, that can be accessed here, will help to direct the policies for our Neighbourhood Plan.
What is the Neighbourhood Plan?